Pre-Recorded Panels

James Mussell
Trading in Death: Periodicals, Seriality, Ephemerality

Sönke Parpart
Auf der Schwelle der Jahrhunderte. 1900 als liminaler Zeit- und Handlungsraum in der Wiener Tagespresse

Moritz Neuffer
From Chronopoetics to Anachronisms: Economies of Timeliness in Modern Intellectual Journals

Sandra Parmegiani / Rosalie Engels
Transcultural Journalism: Italian Periodicals and the English Novel

Júlia Fazekas
Literary Magazines in the Market – Hungarian Periodicals and European Connections in the 1840s

Maaheen Ahmed
Children’s Magazines in Interwar France: Competition, Change and the Role of Comics

Jana Keck / Mila Oiva / Paul Fyfe
Lajos Kossuth and News Transfer in the International Press System

Will Straw
Moral Panics and Cross-Border Traffic

Wiebke Hemmerling 
Serial Supplements. On Journalistic Information Policy in the 18th Century

Mary Chadwick
Time and Space, Print and Script: Eighteenth-Century Manuscript Magazines

Richard B. Apgar
Gathering a Nation: Journal von und für Deutschland as Precarious Network

Andreas Golob 
Commerce – Competition – Crime: Approaches towards the Dark Side of the Late Eighteenth-Century Newspaper Business in Central Europe

Agnes Hoffmann
»Die zahlreichen und sich durchkreuzenden Aussagen der Tagespresse« – Medienkonkurrenz um 1848 im Spiegel der Satire (Neue Rheinische Zeitung, Der Freischärler, Kladderadatsch)

Daniela Gretz
The Paradoxical Market Strategies of the Blätter für die Kunst [»Papers for Art«] (1892-1919): Irregular Appearance − International Transfer − Transnational Nationalism

Malte Lorenzen
»Die Zukunft« im Kriegszustand. Maximilian Hardens Zeitschrift als Beispiel internationaler Medienkonkurrenz im Ersten Weltkrieg

Urte Helduser
Competition and Transfer in the Feuilleton of the Interwar Period: The Viennese Arbeiter-Zeitung between Vienna and Berlin

Anna Ananieva
Weimar, Leipzig, Stuttgart: Kultureller Konsum und Strategien der Gemeinschaftsstiftung im Medium der Zeitung

Rolf Haaser
Eskalierende Polemik. Die Konkurrenz zwischen dem Freimüthigen und der Zeitung für die elegante Welt im Jahr 1803

Hedwig Pompe 
›Backing up Your Friends‹. Selbstverstärkung und Markteroberung

Jakob Kihlberg
Public Meetings in European Illustrated News Magazines during the 1840s

Bruna Oliveira Santiago
The Portuguese-speaking Press from the Digital Humanities Point of View: using QGIS and GEPHI to track the Nineteenth Century Illustrated Press

Marguérite Corporaal
Transferring Connemara: European Illustrated Periodicals as Transnational Agents of Regional Remediation, 1870–95

Artemis Alexiou
Feminist Periodicals in Space And Time: The Perpetual Transformation of the Women’s Penny Paper (Oct 1888-Dec 1890), Woman’s Herald (Jan 1891- Dec 1893) and Woman’s Signal (Feb 1894-Mar 1899)

Eloïse Forestier
Periodicals as Vectors of Cultural Transfer: The French and British Roots of Swedish Feminism in late 19C Swedish Periodicals

Marianne Van Remoortel
Periodical Poetry and Emancipatory Thinking in Late-Nineteenth-Century Europe: The Case of the Belgian-Dutch Feminist-Socialist De Vrouw (1893–1900)

Shromona Das
Laughing Like a Man: Caricature, Humour and Gender in Colonial Bengali Periodicals

Frank Newton
Indigenous Agency: The Case of The Eskimo Bulletin (1893-1902(?))

Jemima Paine
Pan-Africa Imagined and Enacted in the Periodical Press, 1919–1932

Jens Ruchatz
Photographic Migrations. Negotiating the Distinction of Periodical and Book

Alice Morin 
Transatlantic Crossings: French/American (Re-)Uses of Editorial Images in Vogue 1920s–1940s

Vincent Fröhlich 
Film is what belongs to Film. The Re-use of Photographic Pictures and Typographies in Illustrated Film Magazines

Maya J. Lo Bello
From Marginalia to Bookends: Industrialization, Capitalism and Advertising in Hungary’s High Modern Journal Nyugat (›West‹)

Marcus Krause 
Riding the Flow of Luxury. The Sport im Bild (1921–1932) as a Marketplace and a Utopia of Aesthetic Capitalism

Gábor Dobó
Capitalism and Radical Imagination in Avant-garde Periodicals

Dario Boemia
The Role of Milan in the Cultural Industry. The Literary Pages in the Italien Press in the Second half of the Twentieth Century

Stefano Locati 
Fear and Loathing in Kung Fu Land. Reviews of Martial Arts Films on Italian Periodicals in the 70s

Mara Logaldo
Re-contextualisation Through Translation. When Peanuts Comics Became Linus (Milan, 1965)

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