Aled Gruffydd Jones

Welsh cultural historian. Until 2013 was Sir John Williams Professor of Welsh History and Senior Pro Vice-Chancellor, Aberystwyth University. Also served as Literary Director of the Royal Historical Society, Vice-President of the National Library of Wales and from 2013-15 National Librarian of Wales. Editor of the social history journal ›Llafur‹ 1985-92, ›Transactions of the Royal Historical Society‹ 2000-04, and the ›Welsh History Review‹ 2003-11. Now Co-Director of the Greek Popular Press History Project (ETMIET), Modern History Research Centre (KENI), Panteion University, Athens. In 2016-17 was Visiting Professor of International History at Northwest University, Xi’an, China.

Recent Publications

›The Chargola Exodus of May 1921: labour militancy and anti-colonial struggle in the Surma Valley‹, Asha Islam Nayeem and Aksadul Alam (eds), Readings in Bengal History. Identity Formation and Colonial Legacy, Golden Jubilee Volume of the Bangladesh History Association, University of Dhaka (2017), pp. 203- 218.

›Gwerddon: gwyrddlasu anialdir? Rhai sylwadau ar hanes e-gyfnodolyn academaidd Cymraeg‹ (Trans: ›Gwerddon: Greening a desert? Some comments on the history of a Welsh-language e-periodical‹), commissioned and published as the 100th article in Gwerddon, Chwefror/February 2019,

›»One language is quite sufficient for the mass«: metropolitan journalism, the British state and the ›vernacular‹ periodical press in Wales, 1840-1914‹, in David Finkelstein (ed.) Edinburgh History of the British and Irish Press, Volume 2, 1800-1900, Edinburgh University Press, 2020.