“dieses ist meine jetzige Lebensaufgabe” (“this is my current mission in life”) – Heinrich Heine as Author and Journalist
Join us on a free guided tour through the virtual exhibition on 17 June 2021, 16:15 CEST (UTC+2).
The virtual guided tour will focus on the author Heinrich Heine and his remarkable life and varied work as a poet and journalist of the 19th century. Living in Paris for 25 years, he observed political and cultural life as a social commentator and set out to be a mediator between German and French culture and politics. Today, Heinrich Heine is known both for his romantic and political writing.
The museum of the Heinrich Heine Institute is the only museum in the world devoted to the writer Heinrich Heine who was born in Düsseldorf in 1797. The permanent exhibition “Romanticism and Revolution” presents key focal points of his life and work.
Guided tour: Nora Schön, M.A., Heinrich-Heine-Institut Düsseldorf
Please click here to start the tour on your own (opens in new tab or window).