Nicolas Pethes

Nicolas Pethes is professor of German Literature at the University of Cologne, where he also received his PhD in 1998. He was visiting scholar at the Universities of Siegen (1998-2001) and Stanford (2001-2003), directed an Emmy Noether-research group at the University of Bonn (2003-2007), and was professor of European and German Literature at the Universities of Hagen (2005-2009) and Bochum (2009-2014). His research focuses on cultural memory studies, the media history of literature, literature & science studies, the discourse history of popular culture, and the theory of prose.

Recent Publications

»Collecting Texts: Miscellaneity in Journals, Anthologies, and Novels (Jean Paul)«. In: Jörg Dünne/Kathrin Fehringer/Kristina Kuhn/Wolfgang Struck (Hg.): Cultural Techniques. Assemblings Spaces, Texts, and Collectives, Berlin/Boston 2020, S. 243-262

»Die Semantik von ›Heimat‹ in Zeitschriften/Literatur des späten 19. Jahrhunderts«. In: Kulturwissenschaftliche Zeitschrift 5 (2020), Heft 1, Sonderheft »Prekäre Heimat«, hg. von Solvejg Nitzke und Lars Koch, S. 15-31

»Zeitschriften als Archiv«. Special issue of Sprache und Literatur 45 (2014), nr. 2, coedited with Susanne Düwell