Laurel Brake

Laurel Brake’s research interests are 19C Media History and Print Culture, Gender, Walter Pater, and Digital Humanities..  She is author of Print in Transition, Subjugated Knowledges, and many articles on media. She co-edited with Marysa Demoor  Dictionary of Nineteenth-Century Journalism (2009; 2018) and The Lure of Illustration (2009); with E.King, R. Luckhurst and J. Mussell, W.T.Stead: Newspaper Revolutionary (2012);  with Mark Turner and C. Kaul The News of the World and the British Press (2016), and co-curated a collaborative research project  ncse.  She is writing a biography of Walter Pater, whose journalism she is also editing..

Recent Publications

George Eliot and Print Media: Woman of Letters’, 19: Interdisciplinary Studies in the Long Nineteenth-Century, Issue 29 (2019), 1-12.

›Writing the Contemporary in the Periodical Press: Art and News 1893-1906‹, Special Issue: Periodicals in between, ed Evanghelia Stead. JEPS, 4.2 (2019), 27-47.

›Symons and Print Culture: Journalist, Critic, Book Maker‹, Volupté: Interdisciplinary Journal of Decadence Studies, 1 (2018), 74-88.

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