Evanghelia Stead, fellow of the Institut Universitaire de France, is Professor of Comparative Literature at UVSQ Paris-Saclay, a linguist and a literary translator. She has published extensively on fin-de-siècle culture, Greek and Latin myths in modern literature, literature and iconography, books as cultural objects, periodicals, and ›the Thousand and Second Night‹ literary tradition. She is running the TIGRE seminar on print culture at the École Normale Supérieure (Paris) from 2004 and has been invited Professor at Marburg and Verona Universities as well as EURIAS senior research fellow 2014–2015. Currently writing on Goethe’s Faust iconography in prints and books, she organised the 7th international ESPRit conference on periodicals in Paris (2018).
Recent Publications
2020 – Sisyphe heureux. Les revues littéraires et artistiques, approches et méthodes, Rennes, PUR, coll. ›Interférences‹, 309 p., 49 fig. [monograph]
2019 – guest editor, Journal of European Periodical Studies, special issue Periodicals In-Between / Les Périodiques comme médiateurs, vol. IV, n° 2, Winter 2019, bilingual issue [seven articles including keynotes at the 7th international ESPRit conference on periodicals (Paris, 2018)].
2018 – co-ed. with H. Védrine, L’Europe des revues II, 1860-1930: Réseaux et circulations des modèles, Paris, PUPS, coll. ›Histoire de l’imprimé‹. [42 chapters in six sections, two bibliographies, indexes, 985 p., 150 fig.].