Nicolas Pethes is professor of German Literature at the University of Cologne, where he also received his PhD in 1998. He was visiting scholar at the Universities of Siegen (1998-2001) and Stanford (2001-2003), directed an Emmy Noether-research group at the University of Bonn (2003-2007), and was professor of European and German Literature at the Universities of Hagen (2005-2009) and Bochum (2009-2014). His research focuses on cultural memory studies, the media history of literature, literature & science studies, the discourse history of popular culture, and the theory of prose.
Recent Publications
»Collecting Texts: Miscellaneity in Journals, Anthologies, and Novels (Jean Paul)«. In: Jörg Dünne/Kathrin Fehringer/Kristina Kuhn/Wolfgang Struck (Hg.): Cultural Techniques. Assemblings Spaces, Texts, and Collectives, Berlin/Boston 2020, S. 243-262
»Die Semantik von ›Heimat‹ in Zeitschriften/Literatur des späten 19. Jahrhunderts«. In: Kulturwissenschaftliche Zeitschrift 5 (2020), Heft 1, Sonderheft »Prekäre Heimat«, hg. von Solvejg Nitzke und Lars Koch, S. 15-31
»Zeitschriften als Archiv«. Special issue of Sprache und Literatur 45 (2014), nr. 2, coedited with Susanne Düwell