
The 9th ESPRit Conference has ended on 17 June. As of now, new registrations on this website will not be activated.
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Welcome to the Virtual ESPRit Conference 2021!

Periodical Formats in the Market: Economies of Space & Time, Competition & Transfer
Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany

14-17 June 2021 – Online Conference with live sessions
1-13 June 2021 – Watch & Comment to prepare the live Q&A sessions

The European Society for Periodical Research’s annual conference brings together scholars from all over the world to engage with the latest in periodicals research. Its 9th iteration was scheduled to take place at Ruhr University Bochum, Germany in September 2020.

The conference seeks to examine journals from the 18th to the 21th century within markets and their respective sociocultural, economic, and legal frameworks. Two main areas will be explored:

(1) economies of time and space, i.e., spatiotemporal aspects of the production, distribution,
and reception of periodicals and similar serialized formats, and

(2) facets of competition and transfer between periodicals
within localised and regional as well as international markets.

For this purpose, the conference looks at periodicals as agents that react to sociocultural space configurations while simultaneously participating in their nascency, formation, appearance, and perpetual transformation.

The conference seeks to advance theoretical approaches, established analytical methods, and analysis oriented towards the spatiotemporal dimensions of periodical culture. To achieve this goal, the 9th ESPRit conference presents theoretical input, case studies, and comparative analysis from philological, philosophical, as well as sociological perspectives from disciplines such as philology, media history, history of publishing and printing, comparative literature, cultural studies, gender studies, postcolonial studies, and visual studies.

The Conference is held at the behest of and in cooperation with the European Society for Periodical Research as part of the annual conference series connecting scholars from all over the world. Click here to find out more about ESPRit.

The 9th ESPRit Conference is organised by the DFG Research Unit 2288 Journal Literature (Bochum, Cologne, Marburg), represented by sub-project 4: Schema with Variations (Andreas Beck), sub-project 6: New Times (Monika Schmitz-Emans, Christian A. Bachmann), and sub-project 7: Collection Formats (Nora Ramtke), as well as Mirela Husić (Bonn), and Sebastian Mittelberg (Bochum). Click here to find out more about the Research Unit and its goals, or click here to learn more about the organisers.

The Conference is funded by the German Research Foundation and the Ruhr University Bochum.

The Conference is funded by the German Research Foundation.

The Postgraduate Workshop is funded by the Ruhr University Research School.